Fun Activities for Kids Who Are Stuck Inside on Rainy Days

Fun Activities for Kids Who Are Stuck Inside on Rainy Days

 Rainy days are no fun for kids who would rather be outside. And as a mom, trust that I speak from experience when I say that when the kids get cranky, the parents quickly get cranky, too! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Creative Rubber Stamps explains that a few easy, entertaining rainy-day activities can get them motivated and moving, adding a little magic back to their—and your—day!

Exercise Inside

Just because you can’t spend the day outside doesn’t mean your kids can’t work in some fitness. I find that helping kids get moving as early as possible on a rainy day can quickly help them get some of that rambunctious energy out, which makes the rest of the day go much more smoothly. And if you’re trying to work from home, these activities are things that will keep the kids occupied on their own. Energy out and kid-free work time? It’s a win-win! Try these strategies to keep them active:


  • Get moving by streaming kid-friendly online exercise videos.
  • Similarly, you could pop in a fitness-inspired video game for Wii, Xbox, or PlayStation. For the best experience, connect a soundbar to your TV. The improved sound experience will keep your kids engaged much longer!
  • Set up an obstacle course that safely builds their balance, agility, and strength skills. (When the sun starts shining again, you can also try an outdoor course!)
  • Turn storytime into an opportunity to exercise. Today’s Parent suggests reading a book together with a word that repeats often, like The Cat in the Hat (for the word “hat”) or Green Eggs and Ham (for the word “ham”). Whenever the word is read, everyone has to do five jumping jacks — that means you too, Mom and Dad!

Get Creative with Art and Music

Kids naturally love to create. It’s part of their learning process, and can be key in keeping them entertained. Activities like crafting, singing, playing dress up, and making music are natural go-tos for days when the weather forces children indoors. So my fellow parents, pop in some earplugs, and try these fun options:


Fun Activities for Kids Who Are Stuck Inside on Rainy Days

Make a Pretend Business

Kids love to model what they see, so let them create different business ideas and act them out. Give your kids some tips for cleaning up their rooms quickly so that they have plenty of space to build their business. Make sure they have storage bins on hand to designate for certain types of items. Then, they’ll see the benefits of cleaning up!


  • Ask the kids to come up with some ideas. They might even come up with a great idea that you can develop into a real business together, like a baby photographer, a kid’s party planner, or a toy maker. Then, look around the house for things they can use to “build” their store. Extra cardboard boxes, fort building supplies, and pillow cushions can all work well.
  • Designate jobs for everyone. If there are siblings or friends over, tell them which jobs they’ll hold. You can even get the family pets and stuffies in on the action!
  • Give the kids a fun rubber stamp from Creative Rubber Stamps to make things look official. They’ll have a blast stamping everything as paid, received, or due.

Make Some Magic

Kids love magic, and it can be the perfect tool to distract them from the fact that they are learning something.


  • Making Rainbow Magic Milk will have them saying “ooh” as they watch the colors explode in the milk. You’ll need a few household items to kick off the show.
  • If your kids are fascinated by tricks involving teleportation, have them give this Teleporting Toothpick trick a try.
  • Want more magic? Check out Steel Straw, Floating Metal and Card Magic ideas that will dazzle the kids while teaching science from this article from the Spruce Crafts.


Finally, you might want to slow things down a bit as the day winds down. Storytelling is a great way to bond with your children, and it improves their reading, speaking, and comprehension skills. Here are some great storytelling activities:


  • Teaching Expertise has some great tips on teaching kids storytelling around photographs.
  • Mad Libs are a fun way for youngsters to think about stories and to increase vocabulary.
  • This post from Twinkl USA shares how to guide kids into storytelling with games and personal connections.
  • Streaming storytelling videos are also a great way to keep the kids entertained. Check out the Coastal Interpretive Center’s YouTube channel, as well as all the fun activities and resources like color sheets.


And you can try some tricks for making your home healthy and stress free by opening some blinds to let in some natural light. Even rainy days get some daylight! You could even make a quick trip to the store and let the kids help you plant and arrange some houseplants, which have also been shown to reduce stress.


When your kids are stuck inside on a rainy day, use your imagination to keep them entertained. Legos and puzzles can keep them occupied while you’re working in your home office. Or you could make a run to your local library to pick up some new books. The kids could even play in the children’s area while you get some work done on your laptop. All of these great activities will keep the kids from feeling like they’re missing out on a fun day just because the storm clouds rolled in.


Photos Credit: Monstera via Pexels

by Clarence Wilkins of Bizz Pop!


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